The photos on this page were donated by Irvin Dunlap. A 601st Administrative Officer. He explained: "The USAF had just changed the nomenclature from Adjutant to Administrative Officer."
Irvin Dunlap signed in to the 601st as Administrative Officer on or about January 31, 1958 and served in that position until rotating back to the States on July 4, 1960. Shortly thereafter he left active duty for civilian life and a career as a high school English teacher.
"My two and a half years at the 601st were among the best years of my life."
The above statement has been made over and over by former 601st members.
Headquarters Distribution Staff in 1958.
Left to Right M/Sgt Paul Anton, Squadron Sergeant-Major. He
was later promoted to Senior Master Sergeant; T/Sgt Ed Hockenberry; A1C
Robert Jones; A1C
Thomas Bridges. He was later promoted to Staff Sergeant.
601st Operations Officer Maj. Roland Wolfe. He flew in the RAF before America entered the World War II. He was shot down and captured by the Germans, but he escaped.
He once remarked, "Give me forty-five minutes and I'll end the __ ___ Cold War!" (1959)
601st Squadron Commander Lt. Col. John Walker at an Officers Club costume party (1958)
A2C Ronald Cole (Squadron Mail Clerk) receiving Good Conduct Medal from Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Windell Raschke (1960)
Erika Horn (later Erika Campbell), 601st Commander's Secretary.
Married Capt. Campell, Squadron Communications Officer in 1959.
Irvin's comment:
Erika was an excellent secretary. She spoke faultless English
(completely without a German or British accent). Everyone who met
her, but didn't know her background, thought she was an American; but they
couldn't quite get a fix on "what part of the country she was from."
Webmaster's comment:
I admired and appreciated Erika's professional and personal demeanor.
She ably assisted me in resolving a problem I once had in Kassel.
Henry, the Bartender at the Officers Club (1958).
He always had a sympathetic ear.