I asked Nick Mascis to give me a brief synopsis of his Air Force career. His comments below.
Entered in 1956, went to Lakeland for basic- then on to Personnel
School in Chanute, Ill- Then on to Germany - first Assg 604th ACWSq, Freising,
Germany (Outside Munich). Then in 59 Rothwesten, 601st ACWSq-Hqtrs in Personnel-w/CWO
(deceased) Glenn Ratcliffe-Major Wolfe, Lt Irv Dunlap- Col White (CO) went
on to AF Academy-played football made All-American-had to lv before grad,
went back to Germany, married Brigitta some 42 yrs ago-Kassel, Germany
- states '60 - Otis; Richards-Gebaur; and-Hickam, Hawaii, et al. Made CMS,
retired went into Fire & Casualty Insurance-District Mgr-28 yrs-2 gorgeous
daughters-two great grandchildren Nicholas and Sydney - etc, etc
CMS Nick Mascis
USAF (Ret.)
At left Nick is standing in front of a barracks located just behind the Rothwesten PX.
This is just outside Berliner Bruecke
Gasthaus in Kassel, Germany - Sept 1959
Taken at Herkules in 1959
CO @ 604th ACWSq, Freising (Munich) Germany (back to us) left side Nick Mascis, re-up-ing (ceremony following was for Chief promotion) CMS Fortin (rt side) re-up-ing (I was stationed there in 1957-58 (before Kassel) this was a month tdy before going to Korea)